
Don provides the following services: Speaking | Consulting | Lobbying

Public and written advocacy for environmentally responsible use of natural resources:

Don’s nonfiction books and research and advocacy papers promote an environmentally sustainable world in which we humans carefully manage and protect our planet’s natural capital while still making sustainable use of what it has to offer. These include:

  1. Barnyards and Birkenstocks: Why Farmers and Environmentalists Need Each Other – published by Washington State University Press – 2014
  2. No Farms, No Food: Uniting Farmers and Environmentalists to Transform American Agriculture — to be published by Island Press in April, 2022
  3. Research and advocacy papers published in the Research and Writings section of this website

Fiction entertainment, including:

Don is also a writer of fiction, including a mystery series set at the Washington State Legislature featuring protagonist, Sandy Dalton, a contract lobbyist who represents conservation minded farmers, land trusts, and the commercial salmon fishing industry below. He also has a new mystery accepted for set in a small village in Southeast Alaska and in the commercial salmon troll fishery conducted there. And he and his wife, Charlotte Stuart, have co-authored a military-legal thriller set in the courtrooms and environs of the U.S. Navy in the post-Vietnam era and in the current day.

  1. Final Adjournment – published in 2017 by Epicenter Press
  2. Suspension of the Rules – published in July, 2021 by Epicenter Press under its Northwest Corner Books imprint
  3. Censure and Repeal – Accepted for publication but release date not yet established
  4. Secret Places: A Southeast Alaska Mystery – accepted for publication, date not yet established
  5. Midnight for Justice – coauthored by Don Stuart and Charlotte Stuart – accepted for publication, due out in August, 2023.

Various internet and social media publications of broad interest:

Don’s experiences in fishing, agriculture, and the maritime trades are reflected on some miscellaneous publications of a more general nature.

AI and Humans: Will we Survive: a 2 part YouTube video series which discusses why the power of intelligence only becomes decisive once intelligence is supercharged through social sharing.

— Part 1: 000 AI and Humans Part 1 – YouTube

— Part 2: 000 AI and Humans Part 2 – YouTube

Building the Commercial Fishing Vessel “Nightwings,” a YouTube video slide show:

Building an Electric Power Cruiser by converting an old sailboat hull to electric power – This is a YouTube video that shows how this was done. The boat was first launched back in 2009.